Why is a Brushless Motor Better?


Besides the fact that they are able to make transitions more smoothly, there are several other factors that make brushless motors a great investment. The first is that brushless motors are able to sense things better than traditional drills can. When it comes to drilling into a material, traditional drills tend to treat all objects equal to each other. There is no way for them to differentiate between two different levels of hardness.

Brushless motors however, are different. These motors only rely on a circuit board to relay the signal from the battery to the armature – not a system of carbon brushes and commutators. This circuit board makes all the difference. It allows the tool to sense how much power it needs to complete a task and uses the minimum power output that it can to complete the task. This makes its work more reliable and efficient in addition to helping the battery last longer.

Additionally, brushless motors tend to be stronger because their design allows them to build up the device in the motor area in ways that brushed drills cannot. This makes them more powerful and efficient than traditional drills, which is why most contractors choose to invest in them.


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