The Best Rotary Hammer Will Deliver the Most Versatility

By selecting the best rotary hammer designed to drill fast, precise holes, efficient performance will almost be guaranteed. Though operating the hammer in rotary drilling mode within the ranges listed below will offer the best results, each hammer also includes the flexibility to drill larger holes as well.
The bit/tool interface system consists of the tool’s internal components that hold the bit in place and transfer energy from the electric motor and gearing mechanism to the bit. Most hammers for rotary drilling tasks utilize one of three systems: SDS-plus, SDS-max or spline.For each system those ranges are:
SDS-plus: 3/16" – 3/4"
SDS-max: 1/2" – 1-3/4"
Spline: 3/8" – 1-3/8"
Even though intermittent rotary drilling at full bore capacity is possible, it's always better to opt for the next larger rotary hammer if any drilling series requires larger holes. Like any other tool or machinery, constantly pushing a rotary hammer to its extremes will eventually lead to the tool’s failure. It’s also important to select a tool with the right functions. NENZ rotary hammers (SDS-plus) offer three modes of operation: hammer drilling, drilling only and chiseling only. Larger combination hammers typically offer two modes: hammer drilling and chiseling only.

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